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The Power Plot thickens

CENTRAL WEST QUEENSLAND Home to vast world class clean energy resources that can be developed without competition for agricultural production or damage to nature, making the region a critical element of powering a clean industrial superpower in Gladstone and across Queensland.

Plotting a path for a transmission line from Gladstone to North Queensland is getting interesting, very interesting with advocates gathering munitions for their preferred project.

At first glance, construction of a power line from Gladstone to North Queensland seems a pretty obvious request upon reading it in 2025 Federal Election Unlock the North Priorities. This is a wishlist report compiled by Townsville Enterprise, together with council representatives from Townsville, Burdekin, Charters Towers, Hinchinbrook and Palm Island.

In item 1.3 they call for ‘funding of Queensland’s Transmission Network to future-proof regional Queensland’s backbone energy transmission network’. Basically, upgraded or new infrastructure to help keep light bulbs going in south and central Queensland.

“We are calling for investment from the Rewiring the Nation Fund into supporting transmission line upgrades between Gladstone and Townsville to support network upgrades,” the report said.

Their proposal is for the line to be constructed along the eastern coastline, which is no stranger to extreme weather events, and connect with Townsville – assuming the location correlates with the Bowen Basin coal reserves and Burdekin-Pioneer Hydro project which was scrapped with the election of the LNP Government.

This is where things get interesting…

Further west, they have advanced their planning for the RAPAD Power Grid, a community-led energy infrastructure development project through a collaboration agreement between RAPAD (Remote Area Planning and Development Board), Barcaldine Regional Council and Queensland-owned VisIR Pty Ltd. 

This project involves a rival proposal for transmission infrastructure to go inland, connecting Gladstone to renewable energy projects in Barcaldine and through to Hughenden Renewable Energy Precinct, where it would connect with CopperString.

VisIR founded and developed the $5 billion CopperString 2032 transmission network that will extend approximately 1000km across Northern Queensland which is being delivered by the Queensland Government.

RAPAD’s proponents have gathered support both regionally and internationally, undertaking a tour of the USA to view similar projects. In return, they hosted a Texan delegation who met with representatives from the then Queensland Department of Energy and Climate in 2024.

A Queensland Government spokesperson confirmed that late last year, representatives from the former Department of Energy and Climate and other Queensland Government departments met with a delegation from Texas, who presented on the energy system in Texas.

But they have not shown their cards when it comes to a preferred passage of power.

“There are established processes and procedures to identify and assess prospective transmission investments under national and Queensland legislative frameworks, ensuring the most efficient energy system and customer outcomes,” the Queensland Government spokesperson said.

Source: RAPAD Power Grid Overview

Who are the power players?


A regional organisation of councils that works together to support, facilitate, promote, deliver and encourage the region’s community, environmental and economic development. RAPAD works with State and Federal leaders, agencies, industry, organisations and their local communities to represent the central west region.

The Board is made up of Mayors from:

  • Barcaldine
  • Barcoo
  • Blackall-Tambo
  • Boulia
  • Diamantina
  • Longreach
  • Winton

Barcaldine Regional Council 

Up until the local Government election in March, the Mayor of Barcaldine was Sean Dillon.

These days Dillon splits his time between his Central Queensland homebase and George St, Brisbane where he presides as the LNP’s elected member for the state seat of Gregory.

More to the point, he now holds the role of Assistant Minister for Primary Industry Development, Water and Western Queensland. Surely a position that will work in RAPAD’s favour for preferred power path.


Queensland firm, VisIR, founded and developed the CopperString 2.0 transmission network over approximately 1000km across Northern Queensland. The project was sold to the State Government in March 2023.

CopperString is the largest ever economic development project in North Queensland and the largest expansion to the National Electricity Market in Australia.

VisIR was co-founded by Townsville local John O’Brien, a trusted advisor to key government, community and industry stakeholders. He has worked in the Queensland electricity industry for over 45 years. 

Co-founder Joseph O’Brien (yes, they’re related) called Townsville home for two decades in his youth. He is a leader in the Australian electricity sector, working across infrastructure, energy markets and industrial energy strategy.

He was founder and CEO of the $5b CopperString project leading strategy, capital formation and government negotiation. 

 “VisIR is proud to be working with RAPAD, the Barcaldine Regional Council and other key stakeholders across western Queensland to develop RAPAD Power Grid,” VisIR Chairman John O’Brien said.

Co-founder of VisIR and Townsville local John O’Brien and Co-founder Joseph O’Brien

Central West Aboriginal Corporation Manager Janeece Thompson

The Central West Aboriginal Corporation (CWAC) is active in supporting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Central West community through its arts and crafts showroom, Our Spirit Place at Clydesdale Farm and the Red Shed Cultural, Sports and Training Centre.

CWAC is supportive of the RAPAD Power Grid objectives of creating sustainable economic activity for the region which is important for ongoing economic opportunities for the Traditional Custodians in the region. 

Aunty Wendy Scott, Director (left), Janeece Thompson, Manager (centreback), Darryl Frazer, Director (right), Aunty Beryl Thompson, Chairperson (front)

TEAM TEL – Unlock The North (via the East Coast)

Townsville Enterprise (TEL) is the peak economic development and destination management organisation for Townsville North Queensland.

For more than 30 years, Townsville Enterprise has played a critical role in leading the economic progress for the region through strong political advocacy, investment attraction, tourism development and by promoting Townsville North Queensland as a place to visit, invest and live. 

Across their three decades of advocacy for Townsville North Queensland the organisation has drawn praise for successfully securing more than $70 billion in Government funding for critical projects including the Queensland Country Bank Stadium, the opening of the Carmichael Mine, The Great Barrier Reef Aquarium and CopperString. 

Stakeholders involved in development of 2025 Federal Election Unlock the North Priorities include:

  • Townsville City Council
  • Burdekin Shire Council
  • Charters Towers Regional Council
  • Hinchinbrook Shire Council
  • Palm Island Aboriginal Council 
  • North Queensland business community (unspecified).

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