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Funding secures future for Townsville Youth Program

What’s Happening?

The Crisafulli Government has announced a $1.8 million funding commitment to secure the operations of Community Gro in Garbutt until 2028.

Community Gro delivers after-hours services aimed at supporting at-risk youth in Townsville by providing access to education, mental health services, and life skills development.

Why It Matters?

This funding comes as part of the Crisafulli Government’s promise to implement Gold Standard Early Intervention programs to address Queensland’s youth crime crisis.

The program aims to prevent young people from entering a cycle of crime, restoring safety and security to the Townsville community.

Local Impact

Community Gro CEO, Kathrin Meehan, emphasised the vital role this funding will play in fostering a safer community. “This ongoing funding is crucial in ensuring we can support our young people to make safe choices, build resilience, and achieve their life goals. By investing in their futures, we are fostering a stronger, safer, and more connected community,” she said.

Minister for Youth Justice and Victim Support Laura Gerber highlighted the importance of such intervention. “I’ve seen firsthand the fantastic work Community Gro is doing to help keep the local community safe by running a diversionary service for at-risk young people,” she said.

Member for Townsville Adam Baillie stressed the critical need for the program in the region, which has borne the brunt of Queensland’s youth crime crisis. “This investment gives Community Gro the funding certainty they need to support the community into the future, and that is great news for Townsville,” Baillie said.

By the Numbers:

  • $1.8 million: Funding allocated to Community Gro, ensuring its operations through to 2028.
  • 5 years: Duration of funding security, allowing consistent support for youth at risk of offending.
  • 2013: Year Community Gro launched its first youth-focused initiatives in Townsville.

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Community Gro’s programs focus on providing tailored support to vulnerable youth.

Their after-hours services address key issues such as mental health challenges and education access while equipping young people with life skills essential for making positive life choices.

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Youth crime has been a persistent issue across Queensland, with Townsville being identified as a hotspot.

Minister Gerber blamed “Labor’s weak crime laws” for creating a generation of repeat youth offenders. She stated, “Unravelling a decade of weak youth crime laws is a process, but this is the first step to delivering what we promised—to restore safety where you live and have fewer victims of crime.”

What to Look for Next?

The Crisafulli Government is expected to roll out similar early intervention programs in other Queensland regions, building on the success of Community Gro’s model.

Townsville residents can anticipate updates on the program’s impact on crime reduction and community safety in the coming months.

The announcement took place in Townsville this January, underscoring the government’s efforts to address youth crime at its roots.

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