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Townsville Soars with Bonza’s Expanding Network

Townsville Soars with Bonza's Expanding Network
Image courtesy of LinkedIn | Townsville Airport

Bonza Airlines lands another winning route, opening up a world of connections for Townsville residents.

Bonza’s Thriving Growth in Townsville

In a monumental move, Bonza Airlines has unveiled its newest route, linking Townsville to the bustling Gold Coast.

This addition, marking the airline’s fourth from Townsville Airport, is a game-changer for the region, injecting over 96,000 seats annually into the network.

Since the airline’s launch earlier this year, over 65,000 passengers have already taken flight, demonstrating the growing demand for diverse travel options.

A Nationwide Network Expansion

This milestone launch isn’t just about the Gold Coast. Bonza has ambitious plans, aiming to introduce 14 routes across November and December, laying the groundwork for an extensive network.

Townsville proudly leads this charge, set to be followed by Albury, Avalon, and more, effectively expanding Bonza’s reach to 21 destinations and 38 routes by year-end.

Unique Offerings and Accessibility

What sets this expansion apart is its reach into areas currently underserved by airlines.

Eleven out of the 14 routes introduced are exclusive to Bonza, offering unprecedented accessibility and convenience.

Moreover, with fares as low as $49 to $79 per person (one way), the airline is making travel more affordable and accessible than ever.

A Gateway to Opportunities

The introduction of the Gold Coast route isn’t merely about a new destination. It’s about fostering connections and providing more choices for residents and travellers alike.

Bonza’s strategic expansion positions Townsville as a key player in domestic travel, bringing in tourists and facilitating outbound travel with ease. The Gold Coast route is just the beginning of an exciting era of connectivity and growth for the region.