Sooshi Mango, Australia’s beloved comedy trio, is set to make their return to the stage with their new Home Made tour, presented by Muscle Nation. The award-winning group, consisting of brothers Joe Salanitri and Carlo Salanitri and their friend Andrew Manfre, will be hitting 25 cities around the country, including Townsville on August 30.
Comedy Rock Concert Hits Townsville
Known for their family-centric, nostalgic humour, Sooshi Mango is bringing their beloved characters like Johnny, Vince, Sam, and their friends to Townsville Entertainment Centre. Their all-new show promises outrageous skits, knee-slappers, and musical numbers that will have you laughing until your ribs are sore.
Relatable, Humorous Acts with a Global Appeal
Sooshi Mango’s comedic excellence has led them to achieve immense success, not only in Australia but internationally as well. Following a sold-out Australian tour in 2022, they embarked on an international tour earlier this year, stopping in cities like London and New York. With over 1 billion views online and 5 million followers, they are one of the best-loved comedians in Australia.
Get Ready for Sooshi Mango’s New Tour
The Home Made tour is shaping up to be one of their most exciting yet. Sooshi Mango’s signature blend of humour, storytelling, and live performance will take audiences on a journey back in time. The tour kicks off on August 3 in Traralgon and will conclude in Perth.
Make sure not to miss the chance to see Sooshi Mango perform live in Townsville on August 30. Secure your tickets early as they are expected to sell out quickly. Register for pre-sale access and find more information on tour dates and VIP packages at
Sooshi Mango is set to deliver a memorable comedy rock concert in Townsville, leaving audiences with smiles on their faces and laughter in their hearts.