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A Clash of Perspectives and Controversies: NO Campaign Leader Denied Entry to Museum

A Clash of Perspectives and Controversies: NO Campaign Leader Denied Entry to Museum
image courtesy of Asanka Ratnayake

The Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum has ignited a fierce battle between two opposing campaigns: the Voice Campaign and the No Campaign. These campaigns embody starkly contrasting viewpoints on the establishment of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, which aims to empower Indigenous Australians in decision-making processes.


While the Voice Campaign advocates for increased Indigenous representation and self-determination, the No Campaign raises concerns about potential division and questions the practicality of a separate Voice.


In a bizarre turn of events, Matthew Sheahan, the Advance Executive Director and key figure behind the official NO campaign, was denied entry to the Museum of Australian Democracy in Canberra. The reason? His T-shirt, proudly displaying his affiliation with the NO campaign, was deemed potentially offensive.

As the national referendum approaches, it is crucial to uphold the values of open dialogue and respect for differing opinions, even when they challenge the prevailing narrative.